Out of which 7 were Hansen’s patients. The IP patients for the year was 189 out of which one is Hansen patient. The department is active in doing Antenatal care and Instrumental deliveries and also Postnatal care and contraception.
Dermatological patients who flock to Karigiri also receive Contraceptive care as some diseases need to be started on Teratological agents like Methotrexate. The gynaecological services include general gynaecological care and screening for CA cervix like PAP smear, VIA And VILI for those less affording and Cervical biopsy. Endometrial Biopsy, Polypectomy was also done and Hysterectomy offered to those who require it.
A FOGSI run India wide, Free ” NA NA Anaemia”- Anaemia prevention campaign Was done for the rural people as a CAMP at Base hospital in the month of August 2023. And a women’s general check up including Blood investigation for HB, Sugars, Lipid Profile and thyroid function tests nd VIT D nd other tests done. It went successful and those found anaemic were given Iron supplements and Deworming and screening for CA Cervix by VIA and VILI and their importance to do every 3 years is reiterated.
We also integrated with medicine and had awareness program for Gestational diabetes and Hypertension during the World Kidney Day. Also with Physiotherapy dept on World Osteoporosis day, an awareness to reiterate Postmenopausal bone health and Questionnaire on their level of involvement presently was done. Knee strengthening exercises were taught and Diet, supportive measures explained.
The physician assistant students were taught to take history of patients and OG examination and observe deliveries and made to assist in procedures and Surgeries. They are taught holistic patient care as an integral part of their course.
With available resources and God’s immense grace, we continue to serve!
International Leprosy Congress (ILC) 2022
International Leprosy Congress 2019
Multicentric trial to study the effect of Active
The 2nd “Belt and Road” International Forum for Leprosy Precision Treatment and Prevention
Design Customized Offloading Devices to Promote Healing of Plantar Ulcers
Tactile Sensory Feedback System to Predict and Prevent Peak Plantar Pressures
The Schieffelin Institute of Health – Research & Leprosy Centre (SIH-R & LC),
Karigiri, (via Katpadi) – 632106, Vellore District,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Phone: 0416-2274-223
Mobile: 9442274224
Email: directorate@karigiri.org
Web: www.leprosyhealth.org